Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Indonesian Butter Chicken


1 whole chicken,  cut into 20parts
2cloves garlic, finely copped
2cm ginger, finely chopped
1/2 tsp vinegar
1/4 tsp salt
oil for frying

For Sauce:
50grams butter
2tbsp cooking oil
1tbsp sweet soy sauce
1tbsp salty soy sauce
1tbsp  worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp ground pepper
2pcs of lemons, take the juice 

How To Make:

  1. Marinate the chicken in garlic, vinegar, ginger, salt, and let it stand for 20minutes.
  2. Heat the oil and fry the chicken until done, remove from heat. Set a side.
  3. Heat butter and oil until foam is gone then add sweet soy sauce, salty soy sauce, worcestershire sauce and pepper. Stir and add the chicken, let it cook in low heat until the chicken is wrapped in sauce. Turn off the heat and add the lemon juice. Serve with warm steamed-rice. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Choco Dutch Pancake "Pannekoek" With Rhum Vla


10tbsp flour  (about 100gr)

2 whole eggs
300 ml milk
1tbsp cocoa powder

3tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp vanilla powder

1tbsp butter/margarine (melted and let it cool)

Filling/ Rhum Vla:
500 ml milk
150 g granulated sugar
¼ tsp extract vanilla

2 egg-yolks, stir - set aside
2 tbsp maizena/ corn flour , stir with less water - set aside

2tbsp rhum/rhum essence

Cara membuat:

  1. Skin: Mix all dry  ingredients except the melted-butter/margarine. Add milk little by little and mix again until well combined. Then pour in the melted butter/margarine. Mix it well. Set aside.
  2. Heat the non-stick pan D18/20cm, brush with bit vegetable oil. Make thin pancake until the dough is finished, set aside.
  3. Filling/Rhum Vla: Boil milk, sugar, extract vannila.
  4. Add bit hot filling dough(no.3) and mix it with egg-yolks mixer . Stir it well.
  5. Pout the  filling-egg mixer  (no.4) back into the remain filling dough (no.3) . Stir it until boiling.
  6. Add maizena/corn flour mixer into dough no.5 and stir it fast. Turn off your cooker/stove.
  7. Add rhum/rhum essence, stir it well for last time. Set aside and let it cool for sometimes.
  8. Filling each skin with the rhum vla, fold/roll them well. Keep them in the fridge for sometimes then serve chill.Chilled pannekoek will be more tasty :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Way How To Make Two Tone Cupcakes

How To Make:


Classic Sponge Cake

I got this recipe from mom and yeah it always turns good. So spongy :)

  • 05 whole eggs
  • 100gram sugar (regular sugar)
  • 1tbsp emulsifier (here I used TBM paste)
  • 125gram multipurpose flour
  • 100gram butter/margarine (melted)
  • 1tsp extract vanilla
  • a pinch of  salt

How to Make:

  1. Mix eggs + sugar + emulsifier + salt + extract vanilla until white and thickened (about 7minutes with high speed hand mixer).
  2. Add flour, stir with rubber spatula until well combined. 
  3. Add the melted butter / margarine , stir again with rubber spatula until well combined.  
  4. Bake with D22cm size and height 7cm baking-mold in preheat oven 180C temperature for 40minutes. 
PS: You may garnish your cake with shredded cheese/almonds/choco chips.

*****Happy Baking*****

Monday, September 24, 2012

Click Here for liking the page

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Eggless Lemon Cookies


  •  Butter/margarine 80gram

  • powdered sugar 60gram

  • 2tsp lemon juice

  • low protein flour 110gram

  • Corn flour 10gram

  • about 10cherries fresh fruit for garnish

How To Make:

  1. Beat the butter/margarine and sugar with electric hand mixer for about 3minutes .

  2. Add the lemon juice, stir well with rubber spatula.

  3. Pour the flour in (both flours), stir again with rubber spatula until  well combined.

  4. Put the batter into a piping bag and spread them over the baking sheet, placing them at some distance.Garnish with some cherries.

  5. Preheat the oven for about 5minutes at 180°C and then bake for 20-25 mins. at 150°C.

  6. Take it out once they get baked uniformly and serve either hot or cold.


Saturday, June 9, 2012


  • 250g  butter , softened
  • 400g caster sugar(powder sugar)
  • 3 eggs , lightly beaten
  • 250g self-raising flour (or multipurpose flour+1 1/4 tsp baking powder+1/4tsp salt)
  • zest and juice 3 lemons
 How to Make:

  1. Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Line a muffin tin with 12 muffin cases. With an electric whisk, whisk the butter, 250g of the sugar, eggs, flour, zest of 2 lemons and juice from 1 lemon until just combined - don't over-whisk (3-4minutes only). Divide between the cases (they will be quite full), then bake on a middle shelf for 30 minutes, until a skewer poked in comes out clean.
  2. Cool for 10 mins, then transfer cakes to a cooling rack on a tray and poke each a few times with a skewer. Pour remaining lemon juice over remaining 150g sugar and zest 1 lemon, and immediately spoon over the cakes. Leave to cool. 
 I added some raisins and cashew nuts for extra flavor only

378 kcalories, protein 4g, carbohydrate 51g, fat 19 g, saturated fat 11g, fibre 1g, sugar 36g, salt 0.5 g

recipe source: BBC GoodFood


Friday, June 8, 2012

Tape Uli Ketan Hitam

Resep Uli

Bahan :
- 1 liter Beras ketan yang bagus (kalau ngga bagus, warna uli bisa kuning, ngga menarik), rendam semalaman
- 2 butir Kelapa muda, parut kasar
- Garam secukupnya
- Daun pisang untuk membungkus

Cara Membuat :
- Peras santan dari kelapa parut secukupnya, taruh di cangkir, kukus bersama ketan (untuk mengoles daun pisang supaya tidak lengket).
- Cuci beras ketan, tiriskan dan kukus.
- Garami kelapa parut sampai terasa asin
- Bila telah tanak, angkat ketan, aroni dengan kelapa parut, aduk sampai rata.
- Kukus kembali aron ketan dan kelapa parut hingga matang
- Angkat, tumbuk selagi panas hingga lembut
- Bungkus dengan daun pisang yang sudah dioles santan.

Resep Tape Ketan Hitam:

Bahan :
  • 500 beras ketan hitam
  • 2 gelas air
  • 2 butir ragi tape
  • 2 sdm gula castor ( jika perlu )

Cara Membuat :
  • Beras ketan hitam dicuci bersih, lalu rendam semalam karena ketan ini tergolong keras makanya perlu direndam semalemnya biar tidak susah.(PENTING!)
  • Tiriskan lalu kukus hingga setengah matang cuma dikukus, kalo sulit mending masak dengan sedikit air kira kira setenga mata baru pindahkan untuk dikukus.
  • Sementara mengukus siapkan air panas 2 gelas.
  • Saat ketan sudah panas kepul-kepul, siram-siram dengan air mendidih (posisi tetap diatas kompor) sambil diaduk-aduk hingga semua ketan terkena air panas.
  • Teruskan mengukus hingga ketan matang.
  • Angkat ketan ratakan dalam nampan atau tampah yang rada besar.
  • Biarkan hingga benar-benar dingin.
  • Haluskan raginya.
  • Ratakan selapis ketan dalam wadah ukuran sedang, taburi ragi hingga rata. Taburkan juga gula castor secukupnya.( tanpa gula juga tidak apa ) karena nantinya juga manis.
  • Tambahkan selapis ketan lagi diatasnya, beri ragi dan gula castor. Lakukan seterusnya hingga bahan habis. Tutup rapat dan diamkan selama 3 hari 2 malam di tempat yang hangat.

  1. Ada baiknya siapkan wadah seperti baskon kecil atau sedang, kemudian diberi daun pisang dalam wadah baskon tadi baru ketan hitam yang telah diberi ragi diletakan dalam baskon yng sudah diberi alas daun pisang, kenudian tutup  rapat seperti membungkus nasi halus rapat. bisa juga diatasnya ditutup kain. Kira kira 3hari hari boleh dibuka, jangan dibuka sebelum 2 atau 3 hari karena proses permentasinya bisa terganggu, bisa juga dicium dari aromanya, jika tape ketan hitam sudah jadi biasanya harum tandanya sudah jadi jadi gak perlu dibuka sebelum saatnya cukup dicium.
  2. Beras ketan hitamnya HARUS direndam terlebih dahulu.
  3. Campur beras ketan hitam dengan sedikit ketan putih agar hasilnya lebih enak. kalo hanya beras ketan hitam hasilnya rada kasar dan rasa tape kurang enak.
  4. Bila penggunakan panci biasa bila tidak ada panci utk mengukus namun harus hati-hati agar tidak gosong dan juga tidak terlalu matang ketannya.

source: firstari//faithhopelove and dapurpunyaku blogspot 

****Selamat Mencoba**** 

Sunday, April 29, 2012


 Ollie Bollen


  • 250gram high protein flour
  • 150gram multipurpose flour
  • 5.5 gram instant yeast
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 3tbp milk powder
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 egg white
  • 400ml warm milk
  • 1tsp salt
  • 75gram sugar
  • 50gram margarine, melted
  • 250gram dried fruits/ sukade (candied peel)
  • oil for frying
  • powdered sugar to garnish
 How To Make:

  1. Mix the flour, add yeast, baking powder and milk powder. Set aside.
  2. Mix eggs and warm milk+salt. Then pour the milk combine into no.1. Cover the bowl with clean cloth and let it rise for about 20minutes.
  3. Add sugar and melted margarine into the dough. let it rise again for about 25minutes.
  4. Add the dried fruits/ sukade. Mix it well.
  5. Heat the oil in frying pan and fry the dough , using 2 table spoons until golden brown.
  6. Garnish the ollie bollen with powdered sugar. 



Sunday, April 22, 2012



  • Vegetable shortening (I use margarine)
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 sticks (1 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 1/3 cups sugar
  • 5 large egg whites, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups milk, room temperature
  • Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple gel food coloring
  • Cheese Butter Cream for frosting


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush six 9-inch-square cake pans (or as many 9-inch cake pans as you have, reusing them as necessary) with shortening/margarine. Line bottom of each cake pan with parchment paper; brush again and set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together butter and sugar. Slowly add egg whites and mix until well combined. Add vanilla and mix until fully incorporated. Add flour mixture and milk in two alternating additions, beginning with the flour and ending with the milk. Mix until well combined.
  3. Divide batter evenly between six medium bowls. Add enough of each color of food coloring to each bowl, whisking, until desired shade is reached. Transfer each color to an individual cake pan. Transfer to oven and bake until a cake tester inserted into the center of each cake comes out clean, about 15 minutes (working in batches if necessary).
  4. Remove cakes from oven and transfer to a wire rack; let cool for 10 minutes. Invert cakes onto a wire rack; re-invert and let cool completely.
  5. Using a serrated knife, trim tops of cakes to make level. Place four strips of parchment paper around perimeter of a serving plate or lazy Susan. Place the purple layer on the cake plate. Spread a scant 1 cup buttercream filling over the first layer with a small offset spatula so it extends just beyond edges. Repeat process with blue, green, yellow, and orange layers.
  6. Place the remaining red layer on top, bottom-side up. Gently sweep away any loose crumbs with a pastry brush. Using an offset spatula, cover the top and sides with a thin layer of frosting (also use any of the excess frosting visible between the layers). Refrigerate until set, about 30 minutes.
  7. Using an offset spatula, cover cake again with remaining frosting.

  • You may use yogurt or vinegar to pop out the color so no need to use tons of food coloring. Just add about 1/3cup or 2table spoons yogurt into the batter.

Source: Martha Steward recipe


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Braided Bread with 3, 4, and 5 strands (Challah) ... its a sandwich bread


  • 1/2 c. warm water
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • 3 c. bread flour
  • 3tsp bakers bonus
  • 2tsp ibis blue
  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 large yolks, lightly beaten
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 6 tbsp. sugar (in its original recipe used 3tbsp only)
  • 1 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 egg for egg wash
  • Poppy or sesame seeds or chopped almonds (optional)


  1. Mix the flour with bakers bonus and ibis blue. Set a side.
  2. Combine yeast and water in the bowl of a heavy-duty mixer. Let stand until yeast is dissolved, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add 1/2 cup of the flour, the eggs, yolks, oil, sugar, and salt to the yeast mixture. Stir until blended.
  4. Gradually stir in the remaining flour.
  5. Knead the dough for about 8 minutes by hand or with the dough hook on low to medium speed until the dough is smooth and elastic and no longer sticks to your hands or the bowl.
  6. Transfer the dough to an oiled bowl and turn it once to coat with oil.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
  8. Punch down the dough, knead briefly, and return to the bowl. Let rise until nearly doubled.
  9. Divide the dough into 3 pieces. On an unfloured surface, roll into balls. Let rest, loosely covered, for 10 minutes.
  10. Grease and sprinkle a baking sheet with cornmeal (to prevent the bread from sticking).
  11. Divine one dough into 3pieces, the other one with 4pieces and the last one with 5 pieces. Roll each dough ball into a 7-inch long rope. Braid the dough. Pinch the ends together and tuck both ends of the braid underneath the loaf to hide the seams.
  12. Loosely cover with lightly oiled plastic wrap and let rise until almost doubled, about 45 minutes.
  13. Preheat the oven to 375F.
  14. Whisk together water and remaining egg for the egg wash. Brush the top of the dough with the egg wash, then sprinkle with seeds.
  15. Baking until the crust is golden brown and the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped, about 30 to 35 minutes.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Bahan Isi:
  • 250gr gula merah, iris tipis

Cara Membuat:

  1. Bahan kulit sama dengan bahan Combro. Cara membuatnya pun sama hanya isinya untuk Misro ini adalah gula merah. (resep combro klik disini)
  2. Ambil 1sdm adonan, pipihkan isi dengan gula merah, tutup kembali dan bentuk bulat pipih, goreng hingga matang dengan api sedang saja.



  • 500gr ubi kayu/singkong, kupas dan parut
  • 2sdt garam
  • 250 gr kelapa muda parut


  • 200gr oncom, remas remas
  • 3sdm minyak untuk menumis

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:

  • 4bh cabai rawit
  • 2bh cabai merah
  • 2bh bawang putih
  • 4bg bawang merah
  • garam dan gula menurut selera

Cara Membuat:

  1. Isi: Tumis bumbu halus sampai matang dan harum, masukkan oncom, kecilkan api dan aduk rata sampai oncom matang. Angkat dan dinginkan (kalo saya, tadi saya kukus saja bumbu hakus dan oncomnya untuk mengurangi penggunaan minyak :D )
  2. Campur ubi kayu/singkong parut, kelapa muda parut dan garam.
  3. Ambil 1sdm adonan, bulatkan tipis dan beri 1sdt adonan isi ditengahnya, tutup kembali, bentuk menjadi bulat lonjong.
  4. Goreng dengan api sedang (jangan besar besar yah apinya) sampai matang dan kecoklatan, tiriskan dan hidangkan selagi hangat. Bisa menambahkan cabe rawit hijau pada saat disantap bila suka.