Monday, December 30, 2013


Bahan :
  • Daging sapi (pilih daging paha/iga sapi) 500gram-1kilo , dipotong kecil-kecil (tanpa lemak) 
  • 500 gr kacang merah (kalo pake kacang merah yang dikeringkan, sebaiknya rendam dulu semaleman, biar waktu dimasak cepet empuk) 
  • wortel di potong2 sesuai selera 
  •  Daun bawang dipotong besar2 
  • Bumbu dihaluskan/ diiris boleh juga : 8 siung bawang merah, 8 siung bawang putih
  • Lada secukupnya, Garam secukupnya, 
  • 1/2 sdt gula pasir 1 butir biji pala (dikeprek saja) 1 1/2 sdt bumbu penyedap rasa sapi 

Cara membuatnya :
  • Siapkan air sebanyak 1 liter dalam panci, masukan potongan daging, masak hingga daging dan kacang merah empuk (dengan pressure cooker cukup 30 menit saja), setelah empuk baru masukkan bumbu halus/iris, biji pala, potongan wortel, garam, lada, gula pasir. serta bumbu penyedap rasa sapi. Masak kembali sampai matang lalu masukan potongan bawang daun.Rasakan soup, adjust rasanya dg menambahkan garam/lada/gula pasir bila kurang. Angkat, sajikan hangat. 

TIPS: - untuk mengentalkan soup, bisa ambil 1sendok sayur kacang merahnya lalu haluskan lalu masukkan kembali ke dalam soup. Namun sebenarnya soup itu sendiri akan mengental dg sendiri lama kelamaan.

*****Happy Cooking*****

Saturday, November 16, 2013

English Fruit Cake

250 gr butter/margarine
225 gr powdered sugar
7     eggs yolks + 4 eggs white
300 gr multipurpose flour
1     teaspoon baking powder
50   gr milk powder
500 gr mixed peel, sultana raisins and walnut ( I used "kenari" nuts)
1     teaspoon extract vanilla
pinch of salt
2      tablespoon rum

How to make:
  1. Sift together the flour+baking powder+milk powder, set aside.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180°C) and  line an 8¼" (20 cm) round springform pan with parchment paper.
  3. In a large bowl beat the butter with the sugar and pinch of salt using an electric mixer at medium speed, until light and fluffy, add the eggs, one at a time. And add the extract vanilla.
  4. Gradually add the flour mixture and mix until well-combined using a rubber spatula.
  5. Stir in the fruit mixture and mix well. 
  6. Pour the mixture into the baking pan and smooth the top with a spatula.  
  7. Bake for at least 50 minutes into an hour until a skewer inserted in the cake comes out clean.
  8. Allow to cool for at least 30 minutes before removal from the pan. 
  9. Spray the cake with the rum.

***************HAPPY BAKING*******************

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Brief information about Ontbijtkoek.(source: wikipedia)

An ontbijtkoek (literally translated breakfast cake) or peperkoek is a Dutch-Belgian spiced cake. Rye is its most important ingredient, coloring the cake a light brown. It is often spiced with cloves, cinnamon, ginger, succade and nutmeg. Several parts of the Netherlands have their own local recipe, of which the most famous is "Oudewijvenkoek" (old wives' cake) which is mostly eaten in the northern regions, and is flavored with aniseed. Ontbijtkoek is originally served at breakfast with a thick layer of butter on top, as a replacement for bread. However due to its sweet taste it is also served as a snack.

And here's the recipe (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Telur 06kuning+03putih
gula palem 50gram
gula jawa 100gram (saya kurangin jadi 85, tergantung level manis masing2 gula yah)
terigu 100gram
mentega/margarine 100gram , lelehkan
bumbu lapis/spekoek 1sdt
TBM 1sdt
vanili bubuk/cair 1/2 sdt
Kenari cincang 100gram
Rhum 1sdt (optional..but a must for myself :) 

Cara Membuat:
  1. Kocok telur, gula, TBM, vanili sampai putih kental dan naik.
  2. Masukkan campuran terigu+bumbu lapis/spekoek, aduk rata dg spatula.
  3. Masukkan mentega/margarine leleh, aduk rata lagi dengan spatula.
  4. Masukkan 3/4 kenari cincang kedalam adonan, aduk rata lagi
  5. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang tulban D24cm yg sudah diolesi margarin dan taburi atasnya dengan sisa kenari cincang tadi.
  6. Panggang di oven panas dengan suhu 180C selama 30-40menit atau sampai kue kuning kecoklatan/matang.
  7. Keluarkan dari oven, tunggu sampai kue agak dingin lalu keluarkan dari loyang.
  8. PS: kalo tidak ada kenari..bisa pakai kismis atau buah kering atau jenis kacang lainnya sesuai selera masing-masing.

    ******HAPPY BAKING******

Friday, April 5, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013


Made these cone cakes for my daughter - Nadia 9th birthday , March 23rd 2013 <3 i="">

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kue Pukis (Chocolate and Cheese)


50 grams of multipurpose flour (medium protein/ use brand "Segitiga Biru" if you are in Indonesia )
100 ml of Luke water
1 tablespoon instant yeast
4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
230 grams of granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
300 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut, boiled, set aside.
1 tablespoon margarine, melted
300 ggrams multipurpose flour (medium protein)
30 grams cocoa powder  

Cheddar/ Edam cheese 
Raisins ( I didn't use it )

Pukis Pan

How To Make:
  1. Mix and stir well all  ingredients A until foamy and let stand for about 10minutes.
  2. In separate bowl, beat eggs , sugar and vanilla powder until thick and fluffy. 
  3. Add the yeast solution(mix-1) and mix it well using low speed. 
  4. Add the flour alternately with the coconut milk  while keep mixing it until well blended. 
  5. Add the melted margarine and stir well using rubber spatula. Let the dough sit covered with paper towel or kitchen towel, in a warm environment until the dough rises to twice the original size (for about 1 hour) .
  6. Take 1/3 of batter , mix with cocoa butter.  Set aside.
  7. Heat the pukis pan over medium heat, with a little margarine. 
  8. (for cheese/ raisin pukis) Pour the white dough 1/2 way into the pukis pan, add the cheese/ some raisins then pour again the white batter until almost full. Sprinkle the top with cheese/raisins again. Cover the pan and let it cook for about 5minutes in medium heat. 
  9. (for chocolate pukis ) Pour the white dough 1/4 way , add the chocolate dough until almost full. Cover the pan and let it cook for about 5minutes in medium heat.
  10. Brush the pukis with little margarine  while its warm and serve.
*For the filling: you may use strawberry/pineapple/banana if you like. 

*****HAPPY BAKING*****

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bluder Manado Cake


275 grams multipurpose flour 
85 grams sugar
50 grams of milk powder
1/2 packs of instant yeast
3 eggs, beaten off
100 ml warm water
50 grams of margarine- melted
25 grams of walnuts, roughly chopped (optional)
100 grams of mixed fruit, cut into pieces
margarine to spread

How to Make:

  1. Mix flour, sugar, milk powder, and instant yeast. Stir well. 
  2. Add eggs one in a time and water (you may use electric hand mixer).
  3. Enter the melted margarine and add half portion of the mixed-fruit then stir well.
  4. Pour the batter into pan 22 cm diameter which is already smeared by margarine. Let stand for 30 minutes until fluffy. 
  5. Sprinkle walnuts and mixed-fruit on top.
  6. Oven for about 30-40 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius until cooked. 
  7. Brush the cake with some margarine while the cake still warm. Cut and serve.
For 12 pieces

******HAPPY BAKING*****

Thursday, January 10, 2013



75 grams melinjo
10 pieces of fresh tamarind/tamarind pulp, crushed.
2 pieces of green pepper, cut lengthwise
2 cm galangal, crushed
2 bay leaves
3 ½ teaspoon salt
½ tablespoon granulated sugar
75 grams of raw peanuts (if not, you may use red beans)
150 grams young/unripe jackfruit, cut into pieces, boiled
100 grams of raw papaya, cut into pieces
2 pieces of sweet corn, cut into 3 cm
½ chayote squash, diced
10 chinese long beans, cut
25 grams of melinjo leaves
3 liters of water

Spice paste (grind all the ingredients below to form a paste):

10 Asian shallot

3 cloves of garlic

5pieces of curly red chili

4pieces of candlenuts
1/2 tsp terasi (shrimp paste)

  1. Soak the tamarind in one glass of warm water, put aside for sometimes. Take the water only by filtering them. Set aside. Keep the tamarind as you may need it again to adjust the taste.
  2. Boil  water then add the spice paste, raw peanuts, tamarind water, green chili, galangal and bay leaves. Cook until fragrant.
  3.  Add salt and sugar. Stir well. Enter the sweet corn and melinjo. Cook until tender.
  4.  Add papaya, chayote squash, and jackfruit. Cook briefly.
  5. Add melinjo leaves and chinese long beans, stir well. Taste and adjust the flavors if necessary. Add salt, sugar, or tamarind water. Serve warm.