Perhaps some of you do not know what Java almond is. Well...this is a kind of nut which is very famous in Indonesia, especially in east-Indonesia -Sulawesi utara (North Celebes) and Maluku (Moluccas), where you can find the best quality of these nuts. In Indonesian language, they are called as "Kenari". Indonesians use this kind of nuts for cakes and cookies. And as Indonesian, I wanna share one of our recipes using "kenari".
350 gr butter/ margarine
04 egg yolks
125 gr Java Almond, minced - keep aside
450 gr multi-purpose flour
01 tbsp baking powder
230-250 gr cheddar/edam cheese, grated - keep aside
01 tbsp salt

How To Make:
- Mix butter/margarine until smooth with an electronic mixer.
- Add the egg yolk one by one while keep mixing.
- Add flour+baking powder+salt, then mix it with spatula.
- Add Java almond - Add grated-cheese and mix well.
- Place the dough on a greased baking-pan, shape it round with teaspoons
- Bake for about 20 minutes with 160degrees celcius until golden brown.

350 gr butter/ margarine
04 egg yolks
125 gr Java Almond, minced - keep aside
450 gr multi-purpose flour
01 tbsp baking powder
230-250 gr cheddar/edam cheese, grated - keep aside
01 tbsp salt

How To Make:
- Mix butter/margarine until smooth with an electronic mixer.
- Add the egg yolk one by one while keep mixing.
- Add flour+baking powder+salt, then mix it with spatula.
- Add Java almond - Add grated-cheese and mix well.

- Bake for about 20 minutes with 160degrees celcius until golden brown.