Sunday, December 13, 2015
Friday, October 24, 2014
Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake
(no mixer, no oven used)
- 150gr Plain flour
- 70gr Cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp Baking powder
- 1/2 tsp Baking soda
- 150gr butter
- 30gr vegetable oil
- 180-200gr castor sugar
- 200gr UHT Milk
- 3 small Eggs,lightly beaten
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract or 1 tsp Vanilla essence
- Greased a D22cm or D24cm baking pan with butter. Set a side.
- Heat up the steamer. Cover the lid with a clean dish-towel.
- Combine castor sugar,milk,vanilla extract or essence, butter and oil in a medium bowl.
- Place the bowl over boiled water, stir well until sugar is dissolved and butter is melted,off fire and keep warm.(see picture).
- Add the beaten eggs into the slightly cold milk mixture and stir well.
- Sift the flour,cocoa powder,baking powder and baking soda into a large mixing bowl then pour the eggs mixture over the flour and stir well until well combined. (cake batter should be runny).
- Pour the batter into prepared pan and place the pan into the steamer.
- Steam over medium heat for 45 minutes.
- You may decorate your cake with chocolate ganache and some colorful sprinkles on top or dust with confection sugar.
(Recipe is from, adapted by me!)
******************HAPPY BAKING*******************
Friday, October 3, 2014
- 700 gr terigu cakra
- 300 gr terigu biasa
- 200 gr gula pasir
- 20 gr yeast / ragi instant
- 20 gr garam
- 50 gr susu bubuk
- 2 butir telur
- 500cc air matang
- 100 gr mentega/ margarin
- ISI: coklat (cooking coklat/meses), keju, sosis, kentang kukus (selera)
Cara Membuat:
- Campur terigu cakra , terigu biasa, yeast, gula, garam dan susu bubuk sampai rata.
- Masukkan telur dan campur sampai rata.
- Kemudian masukkan air dan aduk sampai rata pula.
- Keluarkan adonan dari wadah lalu digilas campur mentega/margarin sedikit demi sedikit.
- Gilas dan banting adonan sampai kalis.
- Bentuk adonan menjadi bulat lalu tutup dg lap dan diamkan sampai mengembang +/- 30menit.
- Setelah mengembang adonan ditonjok sampai gas terbuang , lalu bagi adonan menjadi 50-70gr.
- Fermentasi kan kembali selama +/- 30menit.
- Kemudian giling kembali masing-masing adonan tadi dan di isi sesuai selera dan dibentuk menurut selera. Letakkan diatas loyang yang terlebih dahulu telah dioles margarin tipis-tipis.
- Fermetasikan kembali selama 30menit. Lalu olesi dengan kuning telur sebelum dibakar selama 30menitan atau sampai warnanya kecoklatan.
fermetasi ke-2
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potato masala bread,
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
- 08 Egg whites
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 150 grams sugar
- 1/2 trsp cream of tartar
- 180grams multipurpose flour
- 2tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- Vanilla
- 07 Egg Yolks
- 100cc Vegetable oil
- 150cccoconut milk + 02tsp pandan pasta
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. You will need a 10 inch (24-25 cm) ungreased tube pan. (see picture below).
- Mix no.5,6,7....sift all together and put aside.
- In a seperate bowl (bigger one) mix no.8,9,10,11 with a whisk until well combined then pour in the flour mixture per-batch, mix all well. Set the batter aside.
- In a separate bowl, with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in 150 grams of sugar and beat until almost stiff peaks form. With a large rubber spatula or wire whisk, gently fold the egg whites into the batter just until blended (being careful not to deflate the batter).
- Pour the batter into the ungreased tube pan and bake in the preheated oven for about 50 minutes, or until a wooden skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. (When lightly pressed, the cake will spring back). Immediately upon removing the cake from the oven invert (turn upside down) the pan and place on a flat bottom cup (turned upside down) so it is suspended over the counter (see picture below). Let the cake cool completely (about 1 1/2 hours).
- To remove the cake from the pan, run a long metal spatula or knife around the inside of the tube pan and center core. Invert onto a greased wire rack or cake circle. With a sharp knife cut the cake in half horizontally.*************HAPPY BAKING*************
- 08 Egg whites
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 150 grams sugar
- 1/2 trsp cream of tartar
- 180grams multipurpose flour
- 2tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- Vanilla
- 07 Egg Yolks
- 100cc Vegetable oil
- 150cc water
- 01box of Shreded chedar cheese (200grams)
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. You will need a 10 inch (24-25 cm) ungreased tube pan. (see picture below).
- Mix no.5,6,7....sift all together and put aside.
- In a seperate bowl (bigger one) mix no.8,9,10,11 with a whisk until well combined then pour in the flour mixture per-batch, mix all well. Set the batter aside.
- In a separate bowl, with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in 150 grams of sugar and beat until almost stiff peaks form. With a large rubber spatula or wire whisk, gently fold the egg whites into the batter just until blended (being careful not to deflate the batter). Pour in 3/4 of the shreded chedar cheese, mix well the batter.
- Pour the batter into the ungreased tube pan and run a metal spatula or knife through the batter to get rid of any air pockets. Smooth the top, pour the remaining shreded cheese over the top of the batter and bake in the preheated oven for about 50 minutes, or until a wooden skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. (When lightly pressed, the cake will spring back). Immediately upon removing the cake from the oven invert (turn upside down) the pan and place on a flat bottom cup (turned upside down) so it is suspended over the counter (see picture below). Let the cake cool completely (about 1 1/2 hours).
- To remove the cake from the pan, run a long metal spatula or knife around the inside of the tube pan and center core. Invert onto a greased wire rack or cake circle. With a sharp knife cut the cake in half horizontally.*************HAPPY BAKING*************
Monday, March 17, 2014
For the caramel
- 225 grams granulated sugar
- 01 cup hot water or about 100-200 ml
For the pudding
- 900 ml milk
- 12 egg yolks
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
- 1 dash vanilla essence
- Heat the sugar in a pot (do not add any water or oil or what so ever, just the sugar). Place it over low heat until brown and slowly add hot water (half a cup, until sugar is dissolve but not too watery). Place it aside.
- Warm up the milk. Make sure its not too hot. Put in a pinch of salt and 4 table spoon of granulated fine sugar. Make sure sugar dissolve. Place it aside.
- Beat 12 egg yolks until smooth and put in a dash (1 tea spoon) of Vanilla Essence. Mix your egg yolks with the milk.
- Place the caramel at the bottom of your bowls. Then place the mixture of the milk and egg yolks slowly.
- Prepare a tray with little bit of water and place you bowls in the tray. Bake for about 30-40minutes in 150C. (You also may steam your caramel puddings with a steamer but I prefer to bake them). :)
**********HAPPY BAKING**************
Monday, December 30, 2013
Bahan :
Cara membuatnya :
TIPS: - untuk mengentalkan soup, bisa ambil 1sendok sayur kacang merahnya lalu haluskan lalu masukkan kembali ke dalam soup. Namun sebenarnya soup itu sendiri akan mengental dg sendiri lama kelamaan.
Bahan :
- Daging sapi (pilih daging paha/iga sapi) 500gram-1kilo , dipotong kecil-kecil (tanpa lemak)
- 500 gr kacang merah (kalo pake kacang merah yang dikeringkan, sebaiknya rendam dulu semaleman, biar waktu dimasak cepet empuk)
- wortel di potong2 sesuai selera
- Daun bawang dipotong besar2
- Bumbu dihaluskan/ diiris boleh juga : 8 siung bawang merah, 8 siung bawang putih
- Lada secukupnya, Garam secukupnya,
- 1/2 sdt gula pasir 1 butir biji pala (dikeprek saja) 1 1/2 sdt bumbu penyedap rasa sapi
Cara membuatnya :
- Siapkan air sebanyak 1 liter dalam panci, masukan potongan daging, masak hingga daging dan kacang merah empuk (dengan pressure cooker cukup 30 menit saja), setelah empuk baru masukkan bumbu halus/iris, biji pala, potongan wortel, garam, lada, gula pasir. serta bumbu penyedap rasa sapi. Masak kembali sampai matang lalu masukan potongan bawang daun.Rasakan soup, adjust rasanya dg menambahkan garam/lada/gula pasir bila kurang. Angkat, sajikan hangat.
TIPS: - untuk mengentalkan soup, bisa ambil 1sendok sayur kacang merahnya lalu haluskan lalu masukkan kembali ke dalam soup. Namun sebenarnya soup itu sendiri akan mengental dg sendiri lama kelamaan.
*****Happy Cooking*****
indonesian food,
sup rendeboun
Saturday, November 16, 2013
English Fruit Cake
250 gr butter/margarine
225 gr powdered sugar
7 eggs yolks + 4 eggs white
300 gr multipurpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
50 gr milk powder
500 gr mixed peel, sultana raisins and walnut ( I used "kenari" nuts)
1 teaspoon extract vanilla
1 teaspoon extract vanilla
pinch of salt
2 tablespoon rum
How to make:
- Sift together the flour+baking powder+milk powder, set aside.
- Preheat the oven to 180°C) and line an 8¼" (20 cm) round springform pan with parchment paper.
- In a large bowl beat the butter with the sugar and pinch of salt using an electric mixer at medium speed, until light and fluffy, add the eggs, one at a time. And add the extract vanilla.
- Gradually add the flour mixture and mix until well-combined using a rubber spatula.
- Stir in the fruit mixture and mix well.
- Pour the mixture into the baking pan and smooth the top with a spatula.
- Bake for at least 50 minutes into an hour until a skewer inserted in the cake comes out clean.
- Allow to cool for at least 30 minutes before removal from the pan.
- Spray the cake with the rum.

***************HAPPY BAKING*******************
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